
Snapshots Roundup! #1

Heya beautiful peeps!

So I've decided to make Saturdays a little more laid back, and just show some of the photos I've taken via my smartphone. These won't be professional or anything (since my phone is probably considered rather ancient now...but it's still a smartphone, so yahhh), just some snaps of random things I see that are interesting or strange.

So to kick it off, today will be quirky foods found in the shops! That would include veggies of different sizes, shapes, etc. and food items that are just a bit more interesting than what I've seen before.

Different Shaped Watermelon

I first saw cube-shaped watermelons via the internet, but never in person...until I arrived in Japan, that is. But seeing heart and pyramid shaped melons was rather interesting. (They'd better be good too for around $50 a pop!) To my understanding, to get watermelons to form into certain shapes, they need to be grown inside a shaped box or mould...not sure what that does to the nutritional value, probably nothing, haha. But nonetheless, an interesting find!

Tamago Eggplants

If you follow my Instagram (@ichigonyankochan) you would have seen these tiny white eggplants. Their name 'tamago nasu' literally translates to 'egg eggplants' which was rather amusing to my simple mind. We didn't buy any, but I do wonder if they actually taste like regular eggplants...would be fun to trick some people and stick these into egg cups for breakfast, bahaha~

Green Cauliflower

This is a variety of cauliflower that is not only green but looks badass! I love the way it's grown with spiny little mountains, very fun and unusual! I've also come across purple, orange, and green non-spiny varieties of cauliflower. Much more fun than the regular white!

Long Carrots

You would've also seen these if you follow my Iggers. These suuuuuper long carrots were very amusing to see! And once I'd come across them they appeared in many other places...at such a great length, I think these would make great light sabers or poking tools...or you could, y'know, make a big carrot cake, just to be more practical.

Seasonal Flavoured Treats

As you can see, these were from Halloween, and during this time of year you can see pumpkin flavoured EVERYTHING. In the autumn season you can also see a lot of chestnut flavoured items, but the pumpkin theme was rather interesting. This photos is just of a bunch of sweets (KitKats, hard candies, jellies, etc.), but there were drinks, savoury snacks, cakes, and I even came across pumpkin instant noodles. So yeah, they like to go overboard with their seasonal themes!

Cartoon Themed Fishcakes

While I don't support the consumption of fish, these were still an interesting find. These fish cakes are for slicing (except the round Doraemon ones) and putting into bento (Japanese style lunch boxes), and as depicted by the cute cartoon character's faces, these are catered for children...or anyone who likes anime (Honestly, if these were veganized, I'd go for Pikachu~).

White Pepsi


Has anyone else seen these? Because I haven't! Looks rather intriguing, and I wonder about whether they add less or more chemicals to make it white...probably more, something like a bleach...Anyway, I've never seen it, but if you have then drop a comment and tell us!
With Christmas and New Years coming up, I'm sure there'll be an abundance of pretty, cute, and interesting food items, so I'll make sure to snap some pics of them to share in future 'Snapshots' posts. Did you like anything from this one? Let us know in the comments! Or if there's something you've heard of and want to see, let me know and I'll try to do some scouring around!
Until next post, later everybodeh!

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