
My Blue Day Remedies

Stormy skies are pretty, amirite?

We all have our good days and bad days, but some of us (including myself) have more gloomy days than others. And when the blues strike (without notice, mind you), we need to remember to take care of ourselves, because it's important to make sure our stress levels and mental health is in check. Personally, I'm not a huge advocate for overworking until burning out, and I think the majority of people don't take enough time out to just relax. (But I do understand that some people really do love working all the time, and that's totally fine! If you're happy doing what you're doing, then keep going~)

 I'm going to share with you the things I do when what would be a normal day suddenly becomes a blue day the moment I wake up. And if you feel more exhausted from daily life, why not give a few of these a try?

Like my tiny teacup?

1. Make a cup of tea and stay in my PJ's

You betcha! This isn't only for the lazies. I don't have the luxury to drink as much tea as I used to, but when I did, I'd always make a huuuuge mug of English Breakfast tea (or Earl Grey tea), sit outside on the patio, and just drink leisurely while enjoying the weather and fresh air. If it wasn't the best weather-wise, I'd sit inside by the window and watch the rain, or watch something I enjoyed on TV (for me it was cooking or lifestyle programs).

If you live near a park, take advantage of it!

2. Go for a short walk

I'm not a huge exercise fanatic, and the motivation just disappears on gloomy days. But if I can, I'll put on some comfy clothes, and just go for a short walk around the block. Sometimes I feel a bit more uplifted half-way through, and extend the walk a little, but it's nice to get out of the house, take in the surroundings and just breathe.

Bought this awesome 'What If' journal from Typo.

3. Try a small activity of interest

If I could muster up the energy, I'd try something small that also relaxes or sparks a little positivity in me. For example, before I moved to Japan, I would like baking biscuits or making a no-bake vegan treat. And if I didn't feel like making food, I used to paint false nails or draw something while listening to my favourite music. Even playing games with my family puppies would lift my mood a bit. It doesn't have to be a big activity, just as long as it makes you feel good and pleasant, then it's alright! (And bonus points if it gets you away from the computer!)

Call someone you're comfortable talking to.

4. Have a chat with someone close

Before I moved here, I lived at home with my parents and grandmother, so there was always someone to talk to. While the 'rents were working, I'd usually like to have a chat with Nanna, just about anything (crafting, family, her friends, etc.). And if Mum was home, she'd be my go-to person for conversation (or we'd go out shopping together, which was really nice). Talking to someone whose easy to communicate with is always uplifting for me, as I'm not a social person. As much as I dislike socialising with heaps of people, I know that it's important to talk to people, so I just socialise within my limit without becoming overwhelmed.

Personally, rainy days make me happy~

5. Go for a drive to nowhere

Yes, exactly as it says! Sadly I don't have my car anymore, but when I did I would just go for a leisurely drive with no destination in mind, and play my favourite music. Sometimes I'd stop somewhere just to have a look around or go for a quick walk, but usually I'd just drive. Night time drives were my favourite, because there were less cars and I enjoyed driving through the city at night (pretty lights and such). It got me out the house and I didn't need to socialise with aaaanyone!


Those are just the things I personally like to do on blue days. There are many others that could be effective to relax and lift a dull mood, so I'll share a few that I've read about.

 (I may or may not have tried these, but they don't work for me. Different things work for different people, so don't worry if it doesn't work for you.)

1. Meditation

I've tried meditation a few times, but my mind is just always so busy (overthinking, worrying, etc.) that I just can't shut it off for 5 minutes! But from what I've read and heard, meditating for even 5 minutes can reduce your stress levels and clear your mind of negative thoughts. So if this works for you, then go for it!

2. Do yoga

Yoga is a relaxing exercise to practice, so if you can get the hang of it then it's a good activity to take up. (Personally I don't do it, because I'm not committed to exercise, heh heh...) Different yoga poses can actually help stimulate relaxation of the mind and body, and is usually combined with meditation, so if this kind of things works for you, then go ahead and find your zen! There's plenty of videos up on Youtube for you to follow~

3. Write in a journal

Writing is a form of expression, and it's always good to get all negative thoughts out of our minds and put them to paper. If they're really bad, you can rip up the page you wrote and banish it forever...in the garbage bin! (Or burn it if you're game...just stay safe!) You can also write down things you're grateful for everyday, even small things, just to remind yourself that you're doing well, and to be thankful for the things, the life and the people that you have.

Always remember, when you're having a blue day, it's not the end of the world (even though it may feel like it). If you need a day off, take a day off, rest up and take care of yourself, then you'll be ready to dive back in. Life won't stop, so there's no need to worry about things if you're feeling down. You're the most important person in your life, so take time to give yourself some TLC.

What do you like to do when you're feeling blue or just need a break? Let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear from you~

Until next time! *hugs all round*

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